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Meeting Minutes: December 15, 2005

InfoEyes Advisory Committee Meeting


Catherine Durivage, Ann Hay, Diana Sussman, Joe Thompson, Linda Johns, Linda Rossman, Sharon Ruda, Lori Bell


This meeting was held in an online iVocalize room.

Meeting Time:

11:00 a.m. Pacific / 12:00 p.m. Mountain / 1:00 p.m. Central / 2:00 p.m. Eastern

1. November meeting minutes (already posted on web site)

No changes were offered.

2. Website Update

There is now a separate link on the web site for Holiday closings. These are the holidays we'd expect most of our libraries to be closed. There's a warning that we may be closed the day before or after if the holiday falls on a weekend.

Contact information has been updated as well. If your library experiences any changes in contact info, please send a message to Catherine or Linda.

Catherine and Linda expressed their appreciation to Ann Hay for her patience in making all the changes to the InfoEyes web site that they have requested.

3. Statistical Report (November statistics are posted on web site)

Catherine showed the statistical report for November. 27 e-mail questions were asked in November, a little less than October. We are seeing some repeat users. We are using QuestionPoint to run these statistic reports. We are seeing some increase over the past year.

4. Live Chat form update and discussion

David Leslie and Jeff Penka (OCLC) have been helping to get the form ready that will allow InfoEyes users to request a live session.

Catherine shared the form as it looks at this early stage to ask for feedback. We can organize the form in any way that we want. It was suggested that we might want to allow an open-ended time option as well. It was also suggested that we might want to clarify that times such as midnight and weekends are not possible.

Fields are not required, and may be left blank. The only field that we felt should be required is "E-mail" since we need a way to write the person back.

A previous version of this form was tested for accessibility with a screen reader, but this form will be as well just to make sure it still is.

Catherine asked, are there things that we are not seeing on this page that would be important to have?

It was suggested that the "as soon as possible" option should be moved up to just below the e-mail address field.

It was recommended that e-mail address be made a required field. Otherwise we have no way to getting back to the person to confirm their appointment and let them know where to enter.

What message or screen should the person submitting the form see after they have entered it? We need to let the person know what to expect will happen next. We do need to let the InfoEyes customer know that they need to monitor their e-mail for our reply. What wording is appropriate here?

It was asked how we as librarians will be able to differentiate on the InfoEyes listserv whether we have received a standard e-mail question or a request for live voice service. It would be nice to have something that better grabs our attention if a request for live service comes in.

Catherine will plug ahead with making improvements to the form before it is posted and made available to our InfoEyes customers. Feedback is still welcome.

5. QP Flash Chat and other virtual reference developments

Linda reported that the new QuestionPoint Flash Chat pilot is now available, but still a preview of what's in the development stage.

Linda and Joe will be setting up a test with Kim at Perkins to see how accessible the new QP Flash Chat is and will offer feedback to QuestionPoint.

Should we include QuestionPoint in the test or just report back to QP staff on what we find after the test? We'll probably just move ahead with the test next week then give QP feedback afterward.

6. "InfoEyes" name

Diana noticed that there is a company with the name InfoEyes solutions. Should we be doing something to make our name more official? We could incorporate as an official non-profit if we chose to do so. It sounds like it's a $20 renewal fee a year in Michigan if we were to do it there, as one example.

There was some discussion about the pros and cons. It seems that we really don't have enough information to make a decision. Linda Johns has looked into trademarks in the past and could ask Robin to look into it. We will do some investigation to see what is involved.

7. Talking Book Topics article and other PR/Outreach happenings

Catherine and Sharon helped with some edits to the article that Linda has submitted. We don't know exactly when it will come out, but Linda will let us know when she sees it!

Joe mentioned that he scheduled to speak briefly about InfoEyes at the March 2006 Computers in Libraries conference in Washington D.C.

Catherine ended the meeting at 2:06 p.m. ET.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January19, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. ET / 1:00 p.m. CT.

Minutes submitted by: Joe Thompson