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Meeting Minutes: March 21, 2013

InfoEyes Advisory Board Meeting

Meeting Date:

Thursday, March 21st, 2013, 1:00p CST


Linda Rossman (MA), Catherine A. Durivage (MN), Eura Szuwalski (WA), Herrick Heitman (WA) and Mandy Gonnsen (WA)

1. Statistics

Annual statistics for 2012 are posted on the InfoEyes website. As of the end of February 2013 we have answered 21 questions which is 4 more than were answered in the same period of time in 2012.

Washington commented that it was great to see an increase in numbers. They also noticed that quite a few questions come from Tennessee and wondered what they are doing to promote InfoEyes. Catherine said that Tennessee has the InfoEyes logo displayed on their website's home page. There are a number of available InfoEyes logos to use for promotion purposes on our InfoEyes Logos webpage. Most of this information is available in the "For Member Libraries" section. We are looking at having this section viewable by only member libraries.

Catherine asked if there were any questions or concerns about the QuestionPoint process. Most of the questions are about the NLS program. Once in a while we receive a more challenging one, like the one recently from an individual who wanted a digital copy of an article that appeared in 1989 issue of Esquire. Linda answered this question and unfortunately was not able to locate a digital copy, though she is still waiting to hear back from the publisher.

Linda thanked Washington for their participating in InfoEyes and their promptness in responding to questions.

2. Member Participation

Current members will be solicited regarding the continued participation. We have only 4 participating states, but there are efforts underway to increase membership. Linda and Catherine will meet to discuss membership renewal notices and cost. Massachusetts is now the fiscal agent for InfoEyes. Membership cost for the past year was $78.75 per participating state.

3. Discussion on Publicity Efforts

Linda has drafted an article that we hope will be publicized by NLS, possibly in their News publication. We would also like to work on a publicity letter to send out to the network to generate interest in joining InfoEyes. Washington offered to assist in drafting such a letter or publicity material.

4. Other Business

Next meeting date: June 13, 2013, 1:00p CST.