Meeting Minutes: March 16, 2017
InfoEyes Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
via Online Meeting Room Provided by Accessible World
Catherine Durivage, Herrick Heitman, Dan Malosh, Linda Rossman
Statistics Report:
Catherine reported on this year's statistics and said that Dan has posted them on the website. For the calendar year, 2016 we have had 93 questions. This total so far is approximately 30 more questions than the previous year, so our participants on the committee were quite pleased to hear this news.
Membership and Invoices:
Linda reported that the membership invoices of $25 per year were mailed out in October and that Washington and Perkins had paid so far. Minnesota will be sending the payment, and we have not yet received Maryland's payment although they are actively participating in answering the questions!
Other Business
The next InfoEyes committee meeting is scheduled for September 21st, 2017.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Rossman
Reference Services Librarian, Perkins Library
Co-coordinator, InfoEyes
175 North Beacon Street
Watertown, MA 02472