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Meeting Minutes: October 31, 2018

InfoEyes Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
via Online Meeting Room Provided by Accessible World


Catherine Durivage, Dan Malosh, Linda Rossman

Statistics Report:

Catherine reported that the questions coming into InfoEyes have been slower lately. During the past year we had 26 questions, with 2 in August.


We have decided not to assess any dues for this coming fiscal year. Because we have a more reasonable hosting cost, and we have a balance of $1,096.68 to meet any emergency needs we may have, we are able not to charge any member libraries this year. However, we decided that we do want to confirm the current members' commitment to the service so that we can count on the schedule of coverage for any questions that come in and need to have an accurate list of members. We think it would be best to confirm continued participation in the service for another year. Catherine and Linda will work on drafting something for this purpose.

Dan asked whether other librarians may be interested in working with us, and we came up with an idea to perhaps invite other Network Librarians to come to one of our meetings to learn about the service and how it is operating at the present time.

Next InfoEyes Meeting

The next InfoEyes meeting is planned for Thursday, March 21, 2019.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Rossman

Reference Services Librarian, Perkins Library
Co-coordinator, InfoEyes
175 North Beacon Street
Watertown, MA 02472